Wood Chips – Valuable Resource For You Homestead

Wood chips can do so much for your homestead they are something you should be actively pursing getting them as a resource for your homestead, no mater what the size.  In my case I watch for road clearing crews working in my area and ask for the wood chips.  If it is a large job the manager has to deal with the logistics of emptying the truck, which can mean having someone drive it back to their yard and dumping it and then bringing it back.

What has worked for me is agreeing to take full trucks of ships and putting an orange cone in my front yard where I want it dumped.  Of course I have 10 acres so it is easy in and out for their trucks.  Several years ago I got several truck loads and that pile has been completely colonized with mushroom mycelium and now I’m using this as mulch around my garden plants.  As I understand it this is critical for having really healthy plants so I am very happy to see this.