Episode 16: Why globally sourced organic food isn’t good enough for me and other musings about our food supply

I did get the Soil cube this Friday! It looks pretty awesome! Just an FYI!

Free book on building a top-bar hive
The $20 top bar via Jason Akers

GMO Database: http://www.gmo-compass.org


One of the many happy cows confined and overmilked at horizon organic dairy

Bad organic stuff:
Horizon “Organic” milk


““We allow our cows to make milk according to their natural cycle and keep them in good health by giving them certified organic feed, fresh air and access to pasture.”

The key word here is ‘access.’ Right now at work I have access to the executive squash courts, but I am rarely allowed to use them, if at all. I’m too busy and I’m not an exec. Well, the cows at Horizon may have access to pasture but it’s a known industry fact that milk cows don’t spend their days grazing on green grass. They just get to look at it, cooped up in the usual factory-farming warehouses. Occasionally, when the press drops in, the cows may be allowed out for 20 minutes to make a good showing, but this is a rarity. For Horizon Milk to remain productive and profitable, they must keep their cows hooked up to the milking machines.

Horizon cows are hard-workers. The average Horizon organic cow produces almost double the amount of milk of the national average. Which makes it even more difficult for these poor cows to step outside.

Then there are the slaughter rates. They’re higher than the national average because, as no antibiotics are involved, they simply ship the cow off to slaughter if it gets sick. And as the factory-farming conditions are rife with disease and infection, this happens a lot. “

Check out the manure bogs!

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Fake chinese organics

Organic “greenwashing”

Cage free eggs scam

terms meant to confuse – “no hormones”

“Some of her findings will surprise you. For instance, an egg package may make the claim “no hormones.” Sounds good right?
“The Food and Drug Administration has not approved any hormone products for egg production, so this term is meaningless,” she explains.

And what about “cage free” — that sounds like a pretty happy bird to me. As it turns out, a cage-free chicken is kept out of the cage, but it doesn’t necessarily go outside. And a “free range” egg-layer isn’t necessarily roaming the range either. So what’s the term to look for if you want eggs from a happy, free-living bird? ” Look for “animal welfare approved,” a new label by the Animal Welfare Institute that is given only to independent family farmers.”


http://www.care2.com/causes/environment/blog/when-buying-organic-isnt-good-enough/ from 2007


“The hazard here is that unscrupulous food suppliers soon find that by simply slapping on the words “organic” on a food product they can up their income 30% or better. That is a temptation, pretty hard to pass up, when there is practically no chance of getting caught and no penalty if they are.”

“Recent headlines out of London were that it had been discovered that over several years over 200 million eggs had been imported from Europe and fake labeled as “range raised” and sold at the higher price when in fact they were from cage raised chickens. “

Counterfeit salmon

fake olive oil

“Most of the olive oil sold in the United States is imported from Italy or Spain. While some Italian and Spanish olive oils are of very high quality, many products sold in the United States as “extra-virgin” may be a lesser grade of olive oil and some may be primarily canola or hazelnut oil to which a small amount of olive oil has been added for color and taste. Some olive oil we get here may come from pomace, the olive pulp left after pressing out the oil. Additional oil can be extracted from pomace by treating it with hexane, a chemical solvent – not a good practice. Even when the bottle contains genuine olive oil, it may not be from Italy or Spain as the labels suggest – both countries import huge quantities of cheaper olive oils from Tunisia, Turkey, Morocco or Libya, bottle them and label them “imported from” Italy or Spain. This is deceptive marketing.”

“Look for imported oils certified by the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) or by olive oil certifying bodies in Italy (DOP), Spain (DO) or Greece (HEPO).
* Look for California olive oils certified by the California Olive Oil Council (COOC).”

Author: Nick-LaDieu

Webmaster of SaveOurSkills.com. Budding skill enthusiast and modern survivalist. When nick isn't plotting his next project he is probably running with his dogs, riding his mountain bike, or fiddling with his home theater.