First of all let me make it very clear that crystallization of honey is natural and except for those rare honeys that do not crystallize (like acacia) honey not crystallizing, or taking a very long time to crystallize is actually an indication that your honey may not be 100% honey or it filtered to such a high degree that much of the good stuff that we want in natural honey is gone.
For most things I actually prefer crystallized honey. Keeping it in a wide mouth mason jar means I can just spoon out what I want and it doesn’t run all over the place. In fact I add crystallized honey to the stuff that hasn’t crystallized yet to seed the crystals into growing sooner. My favorite is something called spun or creamed honey. The crystals are very small and produces something that is smooth and spreadable like butter.
However if you want your honey liquid all you have to do is warm it up. Keep in mind if you get it too warm you destroy some of the components that make local raw honey so good for you. If you keep your honey in glass jars it is easier to warm it up if you feel it is needed. Just heat up some water (or if your tap water is hot enough just use that) and put the jar in that.
How I seed honey crystals