Review of Socket Saver Plumbing Tool

Update – FAIL Don’t Buy – This did not ream out a big enough hole for a pipe to go in, so it is basically useless.

While trying to replace the pump and motor on my hot tub I broke the PVC pipe at the valve.  The big problem is the male part of the valve pipe was still inside the 2″ pipe that contains the safety suction sensor.  A replacement is not available locally and if I figured it out correctly ordering it online was in the $75 range.  This part of the plumbing was still good except for the broke off pipe glued in it.  I asked Google for a way to salvage this coupling and came up with something called the Socket Saver.  It basically cuts out the pipe in the socket so you can re-use it.

Normally I would just buy a replacement pipe fitting, but in some cases a replacement isn’t easily available or would require cutting out a lot of other plumbing.  In those cases the Socket Saver may be just what you need.  You do need a different one for each size pipe and the 2″ one I’m using does require a 1/2″ drill.  It appears to have worked, but I will have to reserve my final judgement until after it has been glued up in the hot tub for a while.  My only concern is the inside is a bit rough, but since PVC pipe is joined using a solvent that chemically melts the pipe together I think it will be OK.

Author: Jerry Ward

Working on creating a 10 acre urban homestead in S.E. Michigan. To pay the bills I work as a product manager/business analyst in the IT field. Now the admin of Save Our Skills