No one has ever said they wished they had less storage. In many cases, the answer is looking up. This is our laundry room, which has 9′ ceilings. That means there is a lot of space above the washer and dryer. A quick trip to Menards and I find that two 36″ wide by 40″ high wall cabinets will fill the space nicely. Granted a shelf up near the ceiling will require something to stand on to reach it, but I have plenty of items that I use less frequently that can go on the upper shelves.

Here you see the cabinets installed providing a considerable amount of storage. This is all “found space” since it was completely unused prior to installing the cabinets. We found that we can easily reach the bottom shelf, but the middle and upper shelf requires a step stool. We also have tall cabinets in our kitchen that is close to the laundry room so we have a step stool available.