Noise Cancelling Headphones

I really needed a decent pair of noise canceling headphones. The noise canceling part being the most important metric I decided to modify a set of range muffs with a cheap pair of headphones. The result was I can now listen to podcasts while mowing the lawn without cranking my headphones to full volume and doing irreparable damage to my hearing.

This is a good thing and I didn’t have to shell out $300 for the Bose ones that I wanted.

Episode 25: Basic Leatherworking with Jason from

Jason from has put together an incredible deal! 20% off all custom leatherwork and handmade leather items. Just call and mention “Save Our Skills” and you will get the discount. This discount is valid until May 31st so please consider getting your order in soon!

Shop now at the “Save Our Skills” lenwood leather store:

Direct link to SOS store:
Pasword: nick

After May 31st Jason is generously offering 10% off all leather work for the remainder of 2011.

In today’s epsiode we learn how Jason got his start in leather-working and how he has grown the hobby into a business.

Resources for today’s podcast:




Episode 23: The birds and the bees… ok actually just the bees

Today I rant for about 20 minutes on bee keeping with my pal Jon Martinez. The original podcast we thought we recorded was about 1 hour and 20 minutes, however for some reason the last hour was just blank!!

Someone has it out for me this week!

I figured I would put it out there anyway just to salvage something out of this.

Hope you enjoy the little information I was able to get out there.

Episode 21 –

Today we talk to Chef Keith Snow from

I forgot to mention on the Podcast that you can get a nice little discount on his membership program over at The Survival Podcast website by just clicking on the banner there.

We talk about why we think eating seasonally and locally is important including

  • Selecting the right culinary tools
  • How to buy quality ingredients and avoid junk
  • Why seasonal eating will be more important in the future due to rising fuel… build your skillset now
  • How to mix eating with a busy lifestyle
  • and much more!

Make sure to also check out Harvest Eating on Facebook



Craigs List searching FINALLY done right

I have not abandoned Save Our Skills. Massive Baby Preps and working on some other ventures at the moment, so I hope you will forgive a temporary dearth in content.

Guys, I’ve been working hard on making a new webiste called

I’m convinced this is the best and easiest way to search Craigs List. Simply put in a location, search term, and search radius and hit “search”. You can search up to 75 miles from any location. Our advanced software will automatically pull results from any Craigs List that is in that search radius.

But that is not the best part!
What really sucks about using craigs list other than not being able to find all of the local deals without going to multiple websites? Well it’s having to check the results every day!

We have solved that problem! Your free membership to our new website allows you to save an “alert” and get an email with all the new search results updated hourly. That’s right, don’t miss out on that cheap iPod or Honda Accord you were looking for but just missed. Get an email right when they are posted to Craigs List so you can be the first to Grab The Deals.

We are currently in the beta testing stage of our website, however if you go now to you can sign up for our mailing list and get notified when the site goes live!