How to Bake Standing French Loaves from Scratch

By Cohutt:

Not much to it really after you do it once or twice

1 pack of yeast
¼ tsp sugar
1 cup of water +
3 ½ cups of unbleached bread flour
¼ cup rye or whole wheat flour
3 tsp salt

Proof the yeast in ¼ cup of hot tap water by stirring it with the sugar

Add the cup of water to this when it bubbles up some

Put flour in food processor with a plastic dough blade

Turn on processor and slowly by steadily pour the water/yeast mixture in until the dough forms a ball that runs around the bowl a bit.

Let it rest for 5-10 minutes

Check it- if sticky/wet feeling to the touch add a tiny amount of flour and run the processor.

Once it is soft to the touch but no sticky, turn on the processor and have it turn the ball 30 times – 30 laps. If you do much more the dough will overheat.

Let it rest 5 minutes then turn out on a lightly floured surface and pound flat, fold over, repeat about 30 times.

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