A continuous flow vermicomposting system

The finished product. Mine would probably go outside

I was reading the blog over at Red Worm Composting and I saw a product called The Worm Inn – A continuous flow vermicomposting system.

The reported benefits are the breathable fabric makes sure that you won’t produce any anaerobic much at the bottom of your bin. As the worms travel up the system you can easily harvest the compost through a drawstring tightening system.

So I thought this was pretty slick setup, however I thought that this would also be a pretty easy DIY project.

Sure enough I went over to one of my favorite websites instructables.com and did a quick search for “worm bin” and the first result was this: Worm bin bag.

I would improve this excellent design by not purchasing new wood, but instead using pallet wood for your frame OR build the frame from the cheap PVC electrical conduit which is less than $1 for an 8 foot length.

I’m still evaluating all of my “worm” options for the upcoming season, but this design is topping my list right now.